Panda Warriors

6-7 yrs.
Hopping over mat

Our Panda Warrior Training classes will build not only strength and stamina in your child, but spirit and pride as well. Panda Warriors will be challenged to develop various grips and greater functional movements, as well as a greater sense of balance and stability. Whether climbing ropes, leaping from stability ball to stability ball, or running up the warped wall, we will safely challenge every student’s strength, balance and agility in the most exciting and positive ways! With bars, beams, cargo nets, a warped wall and a plethora of warrior specific mats, each student is sure to reach new heights! Our instructors have a knowledge of functional fitness training and will encourage physical activity with a welcoming and enthusiastic energy that will stay with your child well into the future!]

*call/text the business office 248-625-3547 for details and registration regarding pricing and the discounted commitment options


Eligible for Class Olympics
Eligible for Warrior Testing